MATLAB: Invalid Mex File

invalid mex file

Hi, I am trying to run a package named 'chronux' and getting the following error:
??? Invalid MEX-file 'C:\chronux\spikesort\mex\fast_kmeans_step.dll': The
specified procedure could not be found.
Error in ==> ss_kmeans at 141 [assignlist, bestdists, clustersizes, centroid] = …
Error in ==> ss_outliers at 81 spikes = ss_kmeans(spikes, opts);
Error in ==> SpikeSortingDemo at 155 spikes = ss_outliers(spikes);
Can anyone please tell me how can I solve this problem. Thank you very much in anticipation of an early reply.

Best Answer

Also, please note that the .dll extension for MEX-files has long been deprecated, and support for these files will be discontinued in a future version of MATLAB. If you have access to the source code, please re-compile it in a newer version of MATLAB. If the DLL was provided to you by someone else, please consider contacting them for a new version. See Running MEX-Files with .DLL File Extensions on Windows 32-bit Platforms for more information.