MATLAB: “Invalid graphics handle” error when using imrect() or imellipse()

graphicsImage Acquisition Toolboximage processingImage Processing ToolboximrectMATLAB

I'm trying to apply a mask onto an image for processing, but the call:
h = imrect(output,[2 3 4 5]); %xmin ymin width height
aways gives me the errors:
Error using roiParseInputs (line 75) HPARENT must be a valid graphics handle.
Error in imrect>imrectAPI (line 182) [commonArgs,specificArgs] = roiParseInputs(0,2,varargin,mfilename,{'DrawAPI'});
Error in imrect (line 82) [h_group,draw_api] = imrectAPI(varargin{:});
I have no clue how to resolve this error.
\removed code\

Best Answer

The first step is always to check your inputs.
help imrect
You'll see that the first input to this function is an axis handle. Try this (or better yet, the actual handle to your axes).
h = imrect(gca, output,[2 3 4 5]);