MATLAB: Intsalled add-on does not seen


Hello everyone,
I installed LIPRAS add-on but I can not see it in my APPS toolbox (like cuver fitting, classification learner etc.) Also, when I found its run file in folders, It gives GUI not found error. What should I do ?
Finally, I installed some community add-ons like ANNMagnetocaloricProperties, but I did not find how can I use it, how can it be starting ?
Kind regards,

Best Answer

LIPRAS add-on can be installed from Add-on Manager under Home Tab in MATLAB. LIPRAS needs the following to be installed to be used:
  1. Curve Fitting Toolbox
  2. GUI Layout Toolbox
  3. Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox
It is compatible from MATLAB 2016b. Ensure all this is setup and you can proceed using the app using the following command, to open a GUI: