MATLAB: Interval mean of array


Hello Ladies and Gentlemen,
I am struggling to find a way to calculate interval mean of array.
I have X value for each 15 minutes interval for 180 days (180 x 24 x 4 = 17280 measurements).
I wish to calculate the mean in hourly interval (4320 values) and placed each hourly interval mean in the place of 15 min interval measurements.
For example)
2 1 5 2 2 6 4 6 8 3 4 6 ………….
2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 ………….
Thank you

Best Answer

If you ignore the meaning of the data the solution isn't too difficult.
First reshape your vector into 4 by N, then call the mean function, after which you can use repelem to expand it back to the original size.
Let me know if you need example code.