MATLAB: Intersection of voronoi edges and a rectangle

intersectionMATLABrectanglevoronoi diagramvoronoi edges

This code generates a Voronoi plot with n random points, and a rectangle containing each closed Voronoi cell. How can I find the intersection points between the rectangle, and the voronoi edges (edges generated in figure 2)?
clear all
n= 10;
[vx,vy] =voronoi(x,y);
[v,c] = voronoin([x(:) y(:)]);
close all
axis equal
for j=1:length(vx(1,:))
line([vx(1,j) vx(2,j)],[vy(1,j) vy(2,j)])
axis equal

Best Answer

Sean - here is one way to calculate the intersection between the Voronoi edges (generated in the second figure) and the rectangle. For each edge that we draw on the plot, we can determine the slope of that edge/line given its two points
m = (vy(2,j)-vy(1,j))/(vx(2,j)-vx(1,j));
The equation of the line for these two points and slope (given by usual equation y-y1=m(x-x1), where (x1,y1) is a point on the line, m is the slope) can be written as an anonymous function
yEqn = @(x)m*(x-vx(1,j))+vy(1,j);
We can also write the above in terms of x
xEqn = @(y)(y-vy(1,j)+m*vx(1,j))/m;
Since we want the intersection of the Voronoi edge and a rectangle, we can compute the intersection of this edge with one of the four sides that make up the rectangle given by the equations: x=0, x=12, y=0, and y=12. Note that for x=0 and x=12, 0<=y<=12; and for y=0 and y=12, 0<=x<=12.
An edge intersects with either x=0 or x=12 if the two points of the edge straddle either of these two lines. So we can do the following
% for equations x=0 and x=12
for x=[0 12]
% check for straddling of x
if (vx(1,j)<=x && vx(2,j)>=x) || (vx(1,j)>=x && vx(2,j)<=x)
y = yEqn(x);
% if y is between 0 and 12, then point of intersection is on
% line x=0 or x=12
if y>=0 && y<=12
% skip to next edge

If the edge does not intersect with either of the x equations, then we try for y=0 or y=12 in the same manner
% for equations y=0 and y=12
for y=[0 12]
% check for straddling of y
if (vy(1,j)<=y && vy(2,j)>=y) || (vy(1,j)>=y && vy(2,j)<=y)
x = xEqn(y);
% if x is between 0 and 12, then point of intersection is on
% line y=0 or y=12
if x>=0 && x<=12
% skip to next edge
Try the above code and see what happens. Note that it may need to be adjusted to handle the cases where the Voronoi edges are vertical or horizontal lines.