MATLAB: Intersection of lines and curves


i have data in which line is plotted on a signal having pulses. I want to find out all points of intersections between the line and the curve. Right now i am able to get single point of intersection on only one side of pulse. I also need point of intersection on the other side.

Best Answer

Try this:
D = load('intersect1.mat');
x_curve = D.x_curve;
y_curve = D.y_curve;
x_line = D.x_line;
y_line = D.y_line;
x_curve(x_curve == 0) = []; % Eliminate Spurious Points

y_curve(y_curve == 0) = []; % Eliminate Spurious Points
zci = @(v) find(v(:).*circshift(v(:), -1, 1) <= 0); % Returns Approximate Zero-Crossing Indices Of Argument Vector (>= R2016b)
icix = zci(y_curve - y_line(1:end-2));
plot(x_curve, y_curve, x_line, y_line)
hold on
plot(x_curve(icix), y_curve(icix), 'dr')
hold off
The x-values of the intersections are about 0.135 and 0.149. (They are: x_curve(icix).)
The points are dense enough that it is not necessary to interpolate them to get reasonably precise values for the intersections.