MATLAB: Interpolation of values on a three-dimensional surface represented by points

3d interpolationinterpolation

Hey Hi.. I needed some help in interpolation of data. Basically I have 3D surface coordinates (x,y,z) let say it is around 20000 and from some of this points i have a voltage value (just for 400 points) So, I want to find the voltage value for remaining points. So what should i do?

Best Answer

Vq = scatteredInterpolant(voltage_x, voltage_y, voltage_z, voltages);
interpolated_voltages = Vq(surface_x, surface_y, surface_z);
where voltage_[xyz] are the locations of the places you have recorded voltages for, and surface_[xyz] are the locations of the points you want to interpolate at.
Your bigger problem is displaying the result, a task which is made easier if the sampling points form a grid.