MATLAB: Interpolation of the results from the PDE toolbox and the spatial differentiation of the solution

interpolation of fea resultspde toolboxspatial derivative

I am trying to solve a PDE within a rectangular region with the Matlab PDE toolbox. I am facing two problems:
(1) As shown in the example, I can solve the PDE with the commands:
R = solvepde(model);
u = R.NodalSolution;
However, I want the solution to be evaluated at the regular grid points, not at the nodes. How can I get the value of u at specific (x,y) points?
(2) I would also like to evaluate the spatial differentiation of the solution u, that is, I want to calculate du/dx and du/dy at the regular grid points. I can do it numerically, but I just want to do all the things directly from Matlab. Is there any command that can help me?
Thank you very much.

Best Answer

You can do this using interpolateSolution and evaluateGradients.