MATLAB: Interpolation of 3 dimensional values from a excel file


i got 10 values of x for each value of x i have 10 values of y and the values of z for each x depends on y
how should i interpolate them so that i can give any value of x and y in between the range to get ultimate value of z.
i have attached a file of values for more clarity.

Best Answer

[num,txt,raw] = xlsread('Mappe1.xlsx') ;
x = num(:,1) ; x(isnan(x))= [ ];
A = num(:,2:end) ;
A(isnan(A(:,1)),:)= [] ;
Y = A(1:2:end,:) ;
Z = A(2:2:end,:) ;
X = repmat(x,1,size(Y,1)) ;
idx = ~isnan(Z) ;
F = scatteredInterpolant([X(idx) Y(idx)],Z(idx),'linear','none');
iwant = F(250,0.7)