MATLAB: Interpolation data to achieve gridded latitude and longitude when I have 360 month


Hey all,
I have a table that has four columns (longitude, latitude, date, and observed_value). In my table latitude and longitude values represent 95 unique locations that are scattered randomly. Each one for 360 months; I mean I have 360 observed_value data for each unique location from like 1/1/1989, 2/1/1989, 3/1989, … 12/1/2018. I want to convert this scattered data to gridded data by interpolation. I want to have data for longitude = 44.25:.5:63.75 and latitude: 24.25:.5:39.75 for each month. So, in the end, I will have so many locations rather than 95 (for example 11000) that have observed_data for these 360 months.
I have been thought about it for 2 days I really search for everything but I don't know how can I do this. I want to ask you please help me with the issue. If it is important, after that I want to make 1 x n cell which each array in it is a table for these gridded data locations for each month.
If you have any additional questions or require further clarification, please, do not hesitate to tell me.
I attached my table, any advice is highly appreciated, Thank you.

Best Answer

I believe the scatteredInterpolant() function is ideal for this case. This solution below is certainly not the fastest, but hopefully it is clear in how it achieves your goal.
dates = unique(; %pick out the unique dates in the table
[new_lats,new_lons] = ndgrid(24.25:.5:39.75,44.25:.5:63.75); %make the grid for our new lats/lons
output_array = cell(1,numel(dates)); %make the output array we can store the newly interpolated data in
for ii = 1:numel(dates) %go through each month
%use logical indexing to select only the data for the relevant month
idx = == dates(ii);
lats =;
lons = mytable.lon(idx);
vals = mytable.observed_value(idx);
F = scatteredInterpolant(lats,lons,vals); %make interpolator object from unstructured data
new_vals = F(new_lats,new_lons); %apply interpolator at each new lat/lon
output_array{ii} = new_vals; %save the gridded data into a cell for this month