MATLAB: Interp1 returning NaN for ode45

differential equationinterp1MATLABnanode45

The interp1 function returns a NaN value for the time-dependent functions that are later introduced in the ode45 function. Using pchip or spline instead of interp1 returns a value other than NaN, but the solutions are not valid.
My code is the one that follows, thank you in advance.
function [T_V , W_V , x_V , y_V , h_V , Vfin] = viraje(x0 , y0 , h0 , W0 ,...
V0 , Vf , gamma0 , gammaf , chi0 , chif , chip , CD0 , k , S , cE)
g = 9.80665; %m/s2
tfin = (chif - chi0)/chip;
gammap = (gammaf-gamma0)/tfin;
Vp = (Vf-V0)/tfin;
t_interp = linspace(0 , tfin , 10);
V = V0 + Vp*t_interp;
gamma = gamma0 + gammap*t_interp;
mu = atan(chip/g*V.*cos(gamma)./(V/g*gammap + cos(gamma)));
h = Hviraje(t_interp , h0 , V0 , Vp , gamma0 , gammap);
rho = densidad(h);
function dWdt = dif(t,W,t_interp,V,gamma,mu,rho)
if Vp == 0
V = V0;
V = interp1(V,t_interp,t,'pchip');
if gammap == 0
gamma = gamma0;
gamma = interp1(gamma,t_interp,t,'pchip');
if Vp == 0 && gammap == 0
mu = mu(1);
mu = interp1(mu,t_interp,t,'pchip');
if gamma0 == 0 && gammap == 0
rho = densidad(h0);
rho = interp1(rho,t_interp,t,'pchip');
dWdt = -cE*(0.5*rho.*(V.^2)*S*CD0 + 2*k./(rho*S)*(chip*W.*cos(gamma)./...
(g*sin(mu))).^2 + W.*sin(gamma) + Vp/g*W)
tspan = [0 tfin];
ic = W0;
[t,W] = ode45(@(t,W) dif(t,W,t_interp,V,gamma,mu,rho) , tspan , ic);
W_V = W;
h_V = Hviraje(t , h0 , V0 , Vp , gamma0 , gammap);
x_V = Xviraje(t , x0 , V0 , Vp , gamma0 , gammap , chi0 , chip);
y_V = Yviraje(t , y0 , V0 , Vp , gamma0 , gammap , chi0 , chip);
rho = densidad(h_V)';
gamma = gamma0 + gammap*t;
V = V0 + Vp*t;
mu = atan(chip/g*V.*cos(gamma)./(V/g*gammap + cos(gamma)));
T_V = 0.5*rho.*V.^2*S*CD0 + 2*k./(rho*S).*(chip*W.*cos(gamma)./...
(g*sin(mu))).^2 + W.*sin(gamma) + Vp/g*W;
Vfin = Vf;
function H = Hviraje(T , h0 , V0 , Vp , gamma0 , gammap)
syms h(t)
eqn = diff(h,t) == (V0 + Vp*t)*sin(gamma0 + gammap*t);
cond = h(0) == h0;
ySol(t) = dsolve(eqn,cond);
H = ySol(T);
function X = Xviraje(T , x0 , V0 , Vp , gamma0 , gammap , chi0 , chip)
syms x(t)
eqn = diff(x,t) == (V0 + Vp*t)*cos(gamma0 + gammap*t)*cos(chi0 + chip*t);
cond = x(0) == x0;
ySol(t) = dsolve(eqn,cond);
X = ySol(T);
function Y = Yviraje(T , y0 , V0 , Vp , gamma0 , gammap , chi0 , chip)
syms y(t)
eqn = diff(y,t) == (V0 + Vp*t)*cos(gamma0 + gammap*t)*sin(chi0 + chip*t);
cond = y(0) == y0;
ySol(t) = dsolve(eqn,cond);
Y = ySol(T);

Best Answer

V = interp1(V,t_interp,t,'pchip');
It looks arguments are swapped; I think it should be
V = interp1(t_interp,V,t,'pchip');
and similar for other INTERP1 calls.
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