MATLAB: INTERNAL ERROR. Failed assertion in sfdb_breakpoints.c at line 35: (script->b​m.breakpoi​nts).lengt​h>(unsigne​d int)(lineNumber-1)

internal errorsfdb_breakpoints.csimsimulink

INTERNAL ERROR. Failed assertion in sfdb_breakpoints.c at line 35: (script->bm.breakpoints).length>(unsigned int)(lineNumber-1)
Has anybody seen this error before? I was using the MATLAB function "sim" to run the simulink model and got this error. Now when I try to run the simulink model independently, I get this error (whereas before trying to run it via MATLAB, it ran fine).
Any suggestions?

Best Answer

I ran into this error as well (I'm running 2012b 64 bit).
It went away when I restarted Matlab. That's the only solution I've been able to find.
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