MATLAB: Intermediate calculation in function handle


I would like to know if it is possible to make intermediate calculation in a function handle.
For example, making something like this functional :
@(x) y=1+1; x+y;
This function handle would return me 3 for example for x=1. y is thus an intermediate variable of a calculation inside the function handle.
Is there a way to do it ?

Best Answer

I don't really understand what you want to do. I'm guessing you deliberately chose the simplest possible example, and that what you really want to do is more complicated. But since your example is trivially
@(x) x + 2
I can't quite get what you really need.
Maybe you mean something like this?
y = @(z) z + 1; % The intermediate function?
f = @(x,g) x + g; % The final function
f(1,y(1)) % Calling syntax