MATLAB: Interest rate – stagnant years.

interest rate

I need to solve an assignment, where I need to know the end balance.
The assignment:
I have an account with an interest rate on 5%. A period over 10 years. 1000 dollars to start.
I need to know how to solve the assignment, where the first two years are stagnant, with no interest rate, so the balance after 2 years are still 1000 dollars, but from year 3 to 10, the interest rate will aply.
I need to create a vector, so I can see the balance for each year. How do I solve this??
Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

Define a vector with the interest rate for each year.
r = [zeros(1,2), 0.05*ones(1,8)]
Then the account Balance for each year is
1000 * cumprod(1+r)
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