MATLAB: Integration of some function containing a singularity

numerical integrationsingularity

Dear All,
These days I am working on some integration integrate(cos(x)*sin(x)/x^t),x(0,a),a is a value. the value fot t is 1, 2, 3. The function also have the form cosx*cosx and sinx*sinx. The value x = 0 is the singularity. How to overcome this singularity. The function quadgk can integrate some funtion with endpoint singularity. x = 0 is the end point singularity. But the integral is not correct when use quadgk. How to solve this problem.
Thank you for your concern.

Best Answer

QUADGK has no trouble when t=1, but for t=2,3,4,... the correct answer, if I am not mistaken, is Inf. You were expecting QUADGK to return Inf for you?