MATLAB: Integration of MATLAB function – NOT Mathematic function.

integrationwind turbine

Hi, I have three MATLAB script, with one serve as a main class. I want to integrate an expression which contain two other functions,
x = 0:180;
TB = integral(getCt_Theta(x)*getQ_2(x),1,180);
Where: getCt_Theta(x), is a function to calculate coefficient of lift, will return one values for each inputs Same goes for getQ_2(x), The reason for this task is to evaluate half revolution of the turbine. Should I do symbolic first? or should I Simulink it?
Thanks everyone!

Best Answer

f = @(x) getCt_Theta(x).*getQ_2(x)
and integral that:
integral(f, 0, 180)
However, this depends upon getCt_Theta and getQ_2 accepting vectors of values. If they cannot, if they can only accept scalars, then you need
integral( @(X) arrayfun( f, X), 0, 180)