MATLAB: Integration exp(x)

Hi guys, whenever i try to integrate exp(x)/(1-tan(x)) it gives me the same results as the input
syms x
ans =
please help if you can

Best Answer

Not all expressions have analytic integrals. That seems to be one of them. The best you can hope for is to expand it to a series and integrate that:
syms x real
Eqn = exp(x)/(1-tan(x));
EqnTylr = taylor(Eqn, 'Order', 10);
Result = vpa(int(EqnTylr, x), 7)
Result =
1.227911*x^10 + 1.071564*x^9 + 0.946875*x^8 + 0.8501984*x^7 + 0.7805556*x^6 + 0.7416667*x^5 + 0.75*x^4 + 0.8333333*x^3 + x^2 + x