MATLAB: Integration doesnt work, ndefined function or method ‘integral’ for input arguments of type ‘function_handle’.


Hi to all, I have to solve the following optimization:
theta_cal_const = fmincon(distance , theta0 , [] , [] , [] , [] , lb , ub ,[] ,
options );
distance = @(theta) integral(@(u) integrand(u ,theta),-K, -gap_halfwidth )+ integral(@(u) integrand(u , theta ), gap_halfwidth , K) ;
as a result, matlab returns me the error:
undefined function or method 'integral' for input arguments of type'function_handle'.
Error in ==> fmincon at 517
initVals.f = funfcn{3}(X,varargin{:});
Error in ==> maxLH at 32
theta_cal_const = fmincon(distance , theta0 , [] , [] , [] , [] , lb , ub ,[] ,
options );
Caused by:
Failure in initial user-supplied objective function evaluation. FMINCON cannot
this is the first time i use fmincon, i dont really understant the error message. Thank you for help

Best Answer

The integral function has been a core MATLAB function since R2012a, so if you have that version or later, you should have it. If your version is earlier than that, use quad or one of its friends instead of integral. (The online documentation is currently for R2015a.)
If you have R2012a or later, you may have a toolbox path problem. See if running these from the Command Window solves it:
rehash toolboxcache