MATLAB: Integrating using quad

quad nametype

Hi, I have this really simple problem regarding using quad to integrate a function
for example, I would like to integrate x^2 from 1 to 4 so I would type in:
and this results in an error
then I try:
ans =
But vectorizing x^2 resulting in:
vectorize(x^2) ans = x.^2
however typing quad(x.^2,1,4) into matlab still returns an error.
Why is that so?

Best Answer

Is x declared as a symbolic variable? quad() cannot process symbolic expressions as the function.
If x is not a symbolic variable, then what is it? vectorize() can only be applied to character strings, inline objects, or function handles.
would be valid syntax, but would run in to problems because quad needs the expression to be able to handle vectors.
would be valid.