MATLAB: Integrating over integral error “A and B must be floating point scalars.”

numerical integrationparameter

I have the following problem. I want to integrate over func2 while func2 itself is an integral over func1. The problem is that the boundary of the second integral is the integration parameter of the first one. This is the code:
func1 = @(x) x + 2;
func2 = @(y) integral(func1,0,y);
a = integral(func2,0,1);
Matlab tells me:
"Error using integral (line 86)
A and B must be floating point scalars."
Many thanks in advance for any help

Best Answer

func1 = @(x) x + 2;
func2 = @(y) integral(func1,0,y);
a = integral(func2,0,1,'ArrayValued',true);
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