MATLAB: Integrating effect of gender on an outcome

bioinformaticsmachine learningmodellingstatistics

Hi All,
I am working on a project to study the influence of gender to predict cardiovascular outcome using baseline features. Let X= (NxM) matrix of M covariates with N subjects, Y=(Nx1) binary outcome and G = (Nx1) corresponds to gender (0=male, 1=female). Can someone suggest me a machine learning algorithm to implement so that i can derive a single number (or index) to study the influence of gender on the outcome?

Best Answer

rankfeatures can be used to rank your covariates with respect to your binary outcome & sex.
To Walter's comment, 'sex' is the word more commonly used in biological studies to define male/female-ness in humans and has a genetic basis, where most most subjects are strictly male or female. There are genetic variations where someone may not strictly satisfy the usual XX vs XY determination, but these instances are rare and may not apply to your subjects. 'Gender' is not a biological term, but refers more broadly to culturally masculine/feminine characteristics and is not considered a binary classifier.
There are many instances in which sex can be a determining factor in biological outcomes, and where treatment can differ between the sexes, so it should not be considered a 'waste of time'. Just be sure you are careful with your terminology.