MATLAB: Integrating array of functions

arrayarray of functions;functionsintegrationMATLAB

Hi people,
I have an array of functions, something like func(x,y)=[func1(x,y) func2(x,y) … funcN(x,y)]
Now I want to integrate func(x,y). I.e., I want to integrate each component of func(x,y). How can I do that?
All information I could find are about function of arrays, instead of array of functions.
Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

In this calculation i have assumed that you are doing double integration first w.r.t y then x. First define symbolic matrix. Then perform double integration.
>> syms x y
>> a=[x.^2+y x+y];
>> int(int(a,y, 0, sin(x)), 0, pi)
In this calculation y limit is from 0 to sin(x) and x limit is from 0 to pi.
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