MATLAB: Integrating a Pop-Up Menu into a column of a uitable, is this even possible? If yes how


Hello everyone,
I'm desperately searching for some help/solutions for my code. I want to have a pop up menu in every row of the column P_i-transient.
I can't figure out how it works or if it even works. I would be very happy if someone could help me, because it is quite urgent…
Thank you 🙂
% --- FIGURE -------------------------------------
handles.figure1 = figure( ...
'Tag', 'figure1', ...
'Units', 'characters', ...
'Position', [102.8 24.2307692307692 126.8 33], ...
'Name', 'Parameter', ...
'MenuBar', 'none', ...
'NumberTitle', 'off', ...
'Color', [0.941 0.941 0.941]);
% --- UITABLE -------------------------------------
% Initialize empty string for components of the Data
for i = 1:numel(Data)
Data{i} = '';
handles.uitable1 = uitable( ...
'Parent', handles.figure1, ...
'Tag', 'uitable1', ...
'UserData', zeros(1,0), ...
'Units', 'characters', ...
'Position', [12.2 8 85.6 21], ...
'BackgroundColor', [1 1 1;0.961 0.961 0.961], ...
'ColumnEditable', [true,true,true,true,true], ...
'ColumnFormat', {'char','char','char','char','char'}, ...
'ColumnName',{'ID','<html>P<sub>i</sub> -stationary<br>[W]','<html>P<sub>i</sub> -transient<br>[W/t]','<html>&Omega','V'}, ... % '<html>P<sub>i</sup></html>[W]'für griechische Buchstaben in einer Column <HTML>&Buchstabe
'ColumnWidth', {'auto','auto','auto','auto','auto'}, ...
'Data',Data); % add the "string" Data

Best Answer

If you want a context menu for a uitable: There is none. You could create one manually with Java tricks to determine which cell the mouse is over. But this will be unstable. Try to solve the problem with another method.