MATLAB: Can I Integrate PSpice diagrams into Simscape


I am looking to integrate circuit elements I have created using PSPICE.
Can I import this PSPICE Netlist into circuit elements into Simscape?
What is the workflow of co-simulating SPICE circuits with simulink?

Best Answer

Simscape supports the use of SPICE compatible components.
The link below lists the components supported within Simscape:
You can convert a SPICE Netlist into Simscape blocks, as described in the link below:
Please note Cadence PSpice can be integrated with MATLAB and Simulink to provide a complete system-level simulation solution for PCB design and implementation:
However, the workflow of co-simulating with Cadence PSPICE systems option is a third party service, and falls outside the scope of MathWorks Technical Support.
I recommend contacting the authors of the PSPICE Netlist, as the would be best suited to support you in understanding the workflow to perform the required analysis.