MATLAB: Integral of exponential function that contains another integral

anonymous functionintegrationMATLABnumerical integration

Hello everyone,
I have the following integral:
where and c is a constant in one case and in another case. In addition, my r values are
r = linspace(0,4,100);
Can you please help me with the way to code this?
Thank you,

Best Answer

Try this
inner_int = @(t) integral(@(s) (1-exp(-s))./s, 0, t);
H = @(xi) integral(@(t) exp(-t+3*inner_int(t)), 0, xi, 'ArrayValued', 1);
r = linspace(0,4,100);
c = 1; % for example
Xi = c*r.^2;
H_val = zeros(size(Xi));
for i=1:numel(Xi)
H_val(i) = H(Xi(i));
plot(Xi, H_val);
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