MATLAB: Integral: Error in Numerical Integration, “Matrix dimensions must agree”

dimensionserrorintegralnumerical integration

Apologies and thanks for your time at the start, I only started using matlab a month ago, and pretty much made this from scratch using the internet. Also I should really stop doing all of my Matlab stuff after midnight. I am trying to approximate the distance I'll throw with a trebuchet, and decide what lengths to use for certain parts. While doing this I encountered an error in the line where I try to integrate a formula. What I suspect is that it doesn't want to integrate because it might be getting it's input as a matrix, but that's where my insights end.
clear all; close all; clc
savedmax = 0
m_weight = 0.224;
m_object = 0.008;
g = 9.81;
Theta_launch= 3/4*pi;
A = 0.0001435;
rho = 1100;
gamma = 88/13;
d = 0.01;
r_b = 0.044;
r_s = 0.0059;
epsilon = pi;
phi_e = 3/2*pi;
Theta = zeros(n_var_Theta,1);
L_weight = zeros(n_L_weight,1);
L_throw = zeros(n_L_throw,1);
h_b = zeros(n_h_b,1);
h_s = zeros(n_h_s,1);
for k_var1 = [1:n_var_Theta]
Theta(k_var1,1) = 1/6.*pi.*k_var1 -1/6.*pi;
for k_var2 = [1:n_L_weight]
L_weight(k_var2,1) = 0.01713404.*k_var2 +0.205-0.017134041;
for k_var3 = [1:n_L_throw]
L_throw(k_var3,1) = 0.012.*k_var3 +0.155-0.012;
for k_var4 = [1:n_h_b]
h_b(k_var4,1) =0.04.*k_var4 -0.04;
for k_var5 = [1:n_h_s]
h_s(k_var5,1) =0.04.*k_var4 -0.04;
Lh_b = L_weight+h_b;
L_neg_hb = h_b-L_weight;
if Lh_b > 0.4
phi_b = -asin((0.4-h_b)./L_weight)+pi;
if Lh_b <= 0.4
if L_neg_hb < 0
phi_e = -asin(-h_b./L_weight)+pi;
if L_neg_hb >= 0
phi_e = 3/2.*pi;
Lorum = @(Theta)((-L_throw.*m_weight.*g.*cos(Theta)+ gamma.*L_weight.*m_object.*g.*cos(-gamma.*Theta+3.*pi./4-gamma.*(phi_e-phi_b)+gamma.*phi_e))./(1./4.*rho.*A.*(L_weight.^4)+1./2.*pi.*d.*rho.*(r_b.^2)+(L_weight.^2).*m_weight+gamma.*(1./4.*rho.*A.*(L_throw.^4)+1./2.*pi.*d.*rho.*(r_s.^2)+(L_throw.^2).*m_object)));
Ipsum = integral( Lorum , phi_b, phi_e);
omikron_b = sqrt(2.*abs(Ipsum));
omikron_s = gamma .* omikron_b;
v_0 = omikron_s.*L_throw;
h_s = h_b - sin(epsilon).*(r_s+r_b);
h_launch = h_s + L_throw .* sin(Theta_launch);
t= (-v_0.*sin(Theta_launch)-sqrt((v_0.*sin(Theta_launch)).^2+2.*g.*h_launch))./(-g);
s_x = v_0.*cos(Theta_launch).*t - sin(Theta_launch).*L_throw
maxcurrentcolumn = max(s_x) %output formulas
if maxcurrentcolumn >= savedmax
savedmax = maxcurrentcolumn
L_weightfinal = L_weight
L_throwfinal = L_throw
h_bfinal = h_b
h_sfinal = h_s
Theta_finals = Theta
As my model is a bit of a mess I'll try to explain a bit of what you're seeing, and then focus on getting the integrating part to work. We're trying to do this for 5 variables, which are defined in the "for" -parts. Under the for parts there's 4 "if" parts which I don't think are working at the moment, which should define phi_e and phi_b. Running this resulted in an undefined phi_e, so it has a set value for now.
Beneath that is the part I'm having problems with.
Lorum = @(Theta)((-L_throw.*m_weight.*g.*cos(Theta)+ gamma.*L_weight.*m_object.*g.*cos(-gamma.*Theta+3.*pi./4-gamma.*(phi_e-phi_b)+gamma.*phi_e))./(1./4.*rho.*A.*(L_weight.^4)+1./2.*pi.*d.*rho.*(r_b.^2)+(L_weight.^2).*m_weight+gamma.*(1./4.*rho.*A.*(L_throw.^4)+1./2.*pi.*d.*rho.*(r_s.^2)+(L_throw.^2).*m_object)));
Ipsum = integral( Lorum , phi_b, phi_e);
Which gives the following error:
Error using .*
Matrix dimensions must agree.
Error in
Group_23_all_formulas_variablesneedtobeputin>@(Theta)(-painfully long formula-)
Error in integralCalc/iterateScalarValued (line 314)
fx = FUN(t);
Error in integralCalc/vadapt (line 132)
[q,errbnd] = iterateScalarValued(u,tinterval,pathlen);
Error in integralCalc (line 75)
[q,errbnd] = vadapt(@AtoBInvTransform,interval);
Error in integral (line 88)
Q = integralCalc(fun,a,b,opstruct);
Error in Group_23_all_formulas_variablesneedtobeputin (line 69)
Ipsum = integral( Lorum , phi_b, phi_e);
I'd appreciate any help I can get, as I'm feeling pretty lost at the moment. Thank you again for your time!

Best Answer

This solves the problem with ‘Ipsum’:
Ipsum = integral( Lorum , phi_b, phi_e, 'ArrayValued',true);
However, your code then goes into a series of loops that together execute a total of 17303 iterations. I stopped it early.