MATLAB: Integers without repeating consecutively

for loopintegersnonrepeating

A pincode consists of N integers between 1 and 9. In a valid pincode, no integer is allowed to repeat consecutively. For example, 1, 4, 5, 5, 6, 7 is invalid because 5 occurs twice. I tested the example but it does not outputs what the example shows. Any suggestions.
Screenshot (142).png

Best Answer

Hi Jose,
Check if the following code works for you:-
function [repPos, pinCodeFix] = pinCodeCheck(pinCode)
repPos = [];
pinCodeFix = [pinCode(1)];
for i=2:length(pinCode)
if pinCode(i-1) == pinCode(i)
repPos = [repPos i];
pinCodeFix = [pinCodeFix pinCode(i)];
Produces the output as:-
repPos =
3 5
pinCodeFix =
2 9 5 3