MATLAB: Int2str returns the wrong result

doublefloating pointint2strr2014bsignificant figures

>> int2str(73167176531330624919225119674426574742355349194934)
ans =
Anyone know what's going on here? I'm guessing the number is too because when I evaluate the difference between the input and output, the answer is 0.
What causes Matlab to fill in nonsense numbers though?

Best Answer

Your original number has too many digits to store in a double precision number. E.g.,
ans =
So what you are seeing as output is exactly what is being stored (i.e., the exact decimal conversion of the binary bit pattern being stored), and there aren't enough mantissa bits in double precision to store more precision.
In fact, the nearest numbers in the double precision set to your original number are:
>> x = 73167176531330624919225119674426574742355349194934
>> num2strexact(x)
ans =
>> num2strexact(x+eps(x))
ans =
>> num2strexact(x-eps(x))
ans =