MATLAB: Int returns Int when decimals input


Hey guys! I've done this simple function:
function [CCp] = IntCCpfunction (wi,wr,vr,vi,k,c)
syms w
l = (vr-vi)/vi;
p = w/wr;
f2 = w-wi;
fw = ((k*l*vi)/c)*(((1+p*l)*vi)/c)^(k-1)*exp(-((1+p*l)*vi)/c)^k ;
fp = (f2*fw);
CCp = int(fp,w);
The problem is, when i use k or c as decimals ( 2.1, 10.2 etc) the function doesn't calculate the integral. Maybe somebody could help me undestand the problem?
*Note: With ''normal'' values or decimals (wi,wr,vr,vi) it's working, so i imagine the problem has to do with the exp.

Best Answer

fw = ((k*l*vi)/c)*(((1+p*l)*vi)/c)^(k-1)*exp(-((1+p*l)*vi)/c)^k ;
When k is some non-integer value, you are raising some non-trivial stuff to non-integer powers. Then you want to integrate it?
It won't happen. That is, you won't find an analytical result. When int just returns the integral form, this tells you there is no such solution.
If all of the other parameters also have numerical values, you can always use integral instead.
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