MATLAB: Installing a 64 bit compiler for 2010a (Windows 64 bit)

MATLAB Compilerwindows 64

I have transferred my Matlab license to a new 64 bit Windows computer. All worked well on my old 32 bit Windows system. However, I am unable to get the Matlab 2012a compiler to work on the new 64 bit system i.e. mbuild -setup cannot install a compiler. (Note: I use Visual Studio12 for my C# (non-Matlab) development and I have the 7.1 SDK installed.) I understand from Matlab's documentation that for this version Matlab wants the VS2008 C++ compiler. I have tried to download VS2008 (express) but it seems to be unavailable on the web. (Matlab's documentation link sends you to a VisualStudio site but this site only contains VS2012 products). I downloaded and installed VS2008C++ (alone, without the rest of the Studio) but this does nothing i.e. (1) it does not solve the problem (2)I cannot even find the directory where the compiler was installed!
Jan suggested (see below) that I use MSVC2010 is supported. However, the way I understand the table of supported compilers for Matlab 2010a, there is no check mark next to MS VC++ 2010, only MS VC++ 2008.
I also tried downloading and installing the 64 bit MCR for a more advbanced versiojn (2012b), since I saw that it includes VC++ 2008 but I am still unable to associate the compiler with this (I don't know in what directory the compiler is installed)
p.s. the error message I get from mbuild is: ***************************************************************************
Error: Could not find the Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit (SDK). This may indicate that the Microsoft Windows SDK or the "X64 Compilers and Tools" is not installed. To build 64-bit binaries, Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition requires that these two packages be properly installed. ***************************************************************************

Best Answer

I found the answer.
1. Install Visual C++ 2008 from the link at this site (the link is found in the answer that begins "You can download Visual Studio C++ 2008 from this link")
2. Remove SDK 7.1 if you have it installed (as documented here)
3. Install Windows SDK for Windows Server 2008 and .NET Framework 3.5 from the Windows Download Center
After all this, I was able to find the compiler in the default location (C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0) and the setup and compilation succeeded. Of course, to run the executable you need to download the appropriate MCR for 64 bits and the right Matlab version.