MATLAB: Inserting Progress Bar popup window into Gui window

figurefile exchangeguigui figuregui windowguidematlab guimergepopupprogressbarwindow

Hi, I am wondering if there is any way to use the progressbar.m file that I downloaded from the matlab file exchange and then place this progressbar figure within the figure of a GUI code I created using the guide? So basically what I need is a way to merge the GUI window figure with the progressbar figure. Is this at all possible? If so please help me out?

Best Answer

Hi Anthony,
Looking at the code in "progressbar.m", it might be a little difficult to merge the progressbar figure with your GUI figure but one way of doing it would be to somehow get the handle to the axes for the progressbar figure and make your GUI figure its parent. Alternatively, you can call the progressbar function from your main GUI code but this would display the progressbar figure separately from your GUI figure.
Feel free to ask the same question to the author of “progressbar.m” by commenting directly in File Exchange.
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