MATLAB: Inserting options in plotFrontier function

Financial Toolboxplotportfolio

Matlab's Financial toolbox's built in function plotFrontier has two arguments in it: object and weights. Its easy to implement. However, I am trying to change color and style of plot. But it seems harder than I thought. We can use the following simulated data for illustration.
mu=[0.005674, 0.003283 , 0.0003174 , 0.0002323 , 0.0006188, 0.0006223];
sigma=[1.0000 , 0.1541 , 0.1816, 0.0985, 0.1827 , 0.1876;
0.1541 , 1.0000 , 0.2327 , 0.0457 , 0.1485 , 0.2548;
0.1816, 0.2327 , 1.0000 , -0.0017 , 0.2217 , 0.2643;
0.0985 , 0.0457 , -0.0017 , 1.0000 , 0.0539 , 0.0161;
0.1827 , 0.1485 , 0.2217 , 0.0539 , 1.0000 , 0.3191;
0.1876 , 0.2548 , 0.2643 , 0.0161 , 0.3191 , 1.0000];
returns= mvnrnd(mu,sigma,1000);
varmat= cov(returns);
p= Portfolio(p, 'lowerbudget', 1, 'upperbudget', 1);
p= Portfolio(p, 'lowerbound', 0);
wts = estimateFrontier(p, 100);
plotFrontier(p, wts )
I want to change default color and style of the line used in plot. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance.

Best Answer

I don't have the Financial Toolbox, but presumably the result of calling plotFrontier is a figure that you can manipulate after the data has been plotted. Suppose we do the following
hold all
which creates a figure as
So we have two sine curves, one a solid blue line, and the other composed of green circles. We can get the handles to each of these lines which are children of the current axes as
hAxesChildren = get(gca,'Children');
(So gca is a function to get the current axes handle.)
We see that both are lines if we look at their types
ans =
The order of elements in hAxesChildren is the reverse in which the elements are added to the axes. So the first line plotted is the last (second) element in the handles array, and the second line plotted is the first element in the handles array.
If we want to change the colour, line style and marker style of the first (solid blue) line, we could do
and if we want to change the same (and line width) for the second curve we could do
which will result in