MATLAB: Inserting a linear fit equation and R sq value for a scatter plot

linear fitr square value

I know it is very basic question. I was able to do a linear curve fit for 6 different curves but I am trying to insert the equation and R sq value in the graph, any help would be appreciated.
if true
% code
x1=[43.4 30.4 37.6 42.2 60.2 37.8 48 54 67.4 47.6 56 66.5];
y1=[6.38 4.37 4.92 4.31 6.65 5.06 6.06 6.67 8.83 6.29 7.08 7.27];
%%Fit: 'NF'.
[x2, y2] = prepareCurveData( x1, y1 );
ft = fittype( 'poly1' );% Set up fittype and options.
[fitresult, gof] = fit( x2, y2, ft, 'Normalize', 'on' );% Fit model to data.
hold on
h1=scatter (x1,y1,'filled','r');
hold on
h2 = plot( fitresult,'r' );% Plot fit with data.

Best Answer

The R^2 goodness of fit is stored in gof.rsquare. This is one way to display it in the plot together with the equation:
str=['R^2 =',num2str(gof.rsquare),newline,...
'y = ',num2str(fitresult.p1),'x+',num2str(fitresult.p2)]
annotation('textbox',[.15 .9 0 0],'string',str,'FitBoxToText','on')
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