MATLAB: Insert vector graphic from Matlab to Word


Hello together,
i know its a often discussed topic. But i haven't found any solution for me. I have some plots, which i need to import in Word 2013 afterwards the docx is saved as pdf.
The problem is:
If the plot gets saved (with the function print() ) as .eps or emf and imported in Word, the downsampled placeholder of the graphics look pretty poor and the graphics in pdf are no vector grapic anymore. They do get turned into a bitmap and by zooming in a bit, one can see the pixels. If i use Edit -> Copy Figure in the Matlab figure and paste it in Word, i get a nice graphic in Word as well as a nice vector based graphic in the pdf file.
Is there a way, to save a figure to a file and import it to Word and have the same quality like i have by copy and paste? What is the difference between these methods?
Thank you for your help.

Best Answer

Export the graphics using print to EPS creates pixel images, when the OpenGL renderer is active. So try to enable 'Painters' manually bevor printing:
set(FigureH, 'Renderer', 'painters');
Even then the pixel preview of the vector file is displayed in Word, but only on the monitor. When exported to a PDF the vector graphics are embedded.
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