MATLAB: Insert specific number of rows of zeroes(5) after every 56 rows in the n*m matrix. I am able to create matrices but can I do the insertion without loop given I know the size of matrix? Thanks for help


I have a huge 2464 * 2484 matrix that I want to manipulate and make 2684*2684 but I need the new 220 rows to be divided into 5 rows after every 56 rows of original matrix. I am able to think of loop code —
>> A=csvread('InputWIODRaw.csv');
>> A=csvread('InputWIODRaw.csv');
>> B= zeros(5,2684);
>> CountryVar = [56:56:2464];
>> for i = 1:44
if i==1
elseif i>1
ReorderMatrix(i)= A(j:CountryVar(i),:);
Reorder(i) = [ReorderMatrix(i); B];
error: =: nonconformant arguments (op1 is 1x1, op2 is 56x2684)
>> for i = 1:44
if i==1
elseif i>1
ReorderMatrix(i) = zeros(56,2684);,2684)= A(j:CountryVar(i),:);
parse error:
syntax error
>>> ReorderMatrix(i) = zeros(56,2684);,2684)= A(j:CountryVar(i),:);
>> ReorderMatrix(i) = zeros(56,2684);
error: =: nonconformant arguments (op1 is 1x1, op2 is 56x2684)
But not sure how to initialize. Is there a better way if not how to rectify this code? Much appreciated

Best Answer

Another approach, which works even if your data doesn't divide evenly:
x = rand(21,6);
nrow = 5; % number of rows of data in each group
nlines = 2; % number of rows of 0s to add after each group
nsets = floor(size(x,1)./nrow);
nextra = rem(size(x,1), nrow);
x = mat2cell(x, [ones(nsets,1)*nrow; nextra], size(x,2));
x = cellfun(@(x) [x; zeros(nlines, size(x,2))], x, 'uni', 0);
x = cat(1, x{:});