MATLAB: Insert row into table


Hi. I want to make a function. This function has the input a table and a new value. How do I insert the new value into the table such that it is in order. I'm sorry if that is confusing but for example: I have a table:
a b
0 20000
120 15000
160 17000
200 19000
And I want to insert a new row where a=90. How do I do this if the provided function is already in order?

Best Answer

mask = YourTable.a < 90;
newa = [YourTable.a(mask); 90; YourTable.a(~mask)];
newb = [YourTable.b(mask); NewBValue; YourTable.b(~mask)];
YourTable{:,[1 2]} = [newa, newb];