MATLAB: Insert gain as vector


Hi Community!
I am begineer user of simulink, would like to ask about if there is a possibility:
In my model, using the many gain, in a specific, would like that each time step, using a position of vector that appears in workspace, such as:
Time step (1), value of vector position (1),
Time step =[1,2,3,4,5];
Value of gain (in variable of workspace) = [0.1,0.2,0.3]……
Is it possible to insert in simulink?
Thank you very much

Best Answer

Use a "From Workspace" block to import the gain value as a dynamic signal, specify the data =[1 0.1; 2 0.2; 3 0.3] and then you will have a dynamic signal. Its value at t=1 is 0.1, at t=2 is 0.2, ...
Then use a Product block to multiple the other signal.