MATLAB: Inputting frame-based signals to Stateflow Chart


My Stateflow chart has only one input- "signal". It is a [64 1] frame-based signal. When I do Display->Signals & Ports->Signal Dimensions from the Simulink model I get the following error-
Cannot propagate frame-based signal through input 'signal' because this input expects a sample-based signal.
I have set the dimensions of "signal" to [64 1] in Model Explorer, but that doesn't fix the problem. How can I input a frame-based signal to the Chart?

Best Answer

I'm not 100% sure, but seeing the error message, it looks like Stateflow charts don't support frame-based signals at this point. You might need to use the Unbuffer and Buffer blocks to convert your frame-based signals to sample-based signals, and vice-versa to attain the interface. Please see Buffering and Frame-Based Processing for more information.
I think this line from the Stateflow documentation may be key:
Note: Charts cannot inherit frame-based data sizes from Simulink signals.