MATLAB: Inputdlg if ok pressed load this code

app designerif statementinputdlgMATLAB

Hi all,
i am developping an app in APP designer and this is a part of my code.
i am looking for a way to : when the user clicks on "OK", the user inputs get stored to a file, else if the user selects cancel then it cancels.
QUESTION : How to use "if " to tell matlab that the user clicked on OK !
prompt = {'Cell Voltage (V)','Cell Capacity (Ah)'};
dlgtitle = 'Add New Battery';
dims = [1 100; 1 100];
definput = {'Cell Nominal Voltage','Nominal Capacity'};
answer = inputdlg(prompt,dlgtitle,dims,definput,'on');
if ( user clicks on "OK" then this code is used)
V_Cell_Nom = str2double(answer{1});
C_elb = str2double(answer{2});
fileID = fopen('exp.m','a+');
fprintf(fileID,'%s %d \n','V_Cell_Nom = ',V_Cell_Nom);
fprintf(fileID,'%s %d \n','C_elb = ',C_elb);
elseif ( user clicks on "cancel", then stop the program)

Best Answer

if isempty(answer) % user clicked 'Cancel' or closed the dialog box without clicking 'OK'
% user clicked 'OK'
% do stuff