MATLAB: Inputdlg box to pass variables


Hi. I am trying to run a piece of matlab code a variable number of times and to pass it a variable each time.
I thought the input dlg was a good way to go. So in the example I want to run my matlab code 5 times, and each time pass in the number in the 2nd box. so the first time 1000, 2nd time 2000 etc.
with my code as below. I can't quite finish what I need
prompt={'Enter the Number of Timelapses (exposure Times)',...
'Enter The expsoure times, comma seperated:'};
name='Input Timelapse - Multi Exposure';
I get the following.
nExp =
exps =
How do I access each of the numbers on line 2? Is this the best way to do what I want to do?
(the number of values needed to pass isn't always 5, it will be any number of values)

Best Answer

nExp = sscanf(answer{1},'%d,');
exps = sscanf(answer{2},'%d,');