MATLAB: Input Variable storage audio file

errorif statementinput variablestoragestorevariablevariable storagevariables

I would like to store the audio file in the "input_Signal so it can be modulated . any ideas ?
load gong;
beginFreq = 1000 / (Fs/2);
endFreq = 4000 / (Fs/2);
[b,a] = butter(Order, [beginFreq, endFreq], 'bandpass');
% Bandpass
Signal = filter(b, a, Input_Signal);

Best Answer

Starting with:
v = load('gong.mat');
I would do either:
Input_Signal = y;
Both of these should work.
With respect to the rest, see the buttord and filtfilt function documentation for some valuable hints on how to filter a signal correctly.
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