MATLAB: Input Dialogue box text not breaking line


In the code below, I am attempting to break the lines of text in the dialogue box to two lines: line 1: What Text or Word would you like me to write? line 2: [No spaces allowed for first input]
This is what I get
Can you help me break the lines properly? Thanks
% Ask user for input word
Input = inputdlg(['What Text or Word would you like me to write?',...
'\n[No spaces allowed for first input]'],...
'Sample', [1 50]);

Best Answer

The sprintf function does this the way you want:
Input = inputdlg(sprintf('%s\n%s', 'What Text or Word would you like me to write?',...
'[No spaces allowed for first input]'),...
'Sample', [1 50]);
(Using inputdlg is definitely the way to go!)