MATLAB: Input buffer overflow error on HP/Agilent 33120A Arbitrary Waveform Generator

33120aagilentarbitrary waveform generatorerrorfunction generatorhpinput bufferInstrument Control ToolboxMATLABoverflow

I have set up an HP/Agilent 33120A Arbitrary Waveform Generator for remote control in MATLAB. It is connected via VISA-Serial connection on the USB COM port, using the RS-233 port on the generator with a RS-232-to-USB converter. When I try to download an arbitrary wave of 12287 points to the generator using SPCI I get an input buffer overflow error on the generator (Error 521 in the manual).
I have increased the input buffer size with:
but the error keeps popping up. If I am right the input buffer is for read operations, while I am performing a write operation. What is it then, that causes this error?

Best Answer

InputBufferSize pertains to the object in MATLAB. It does not control the buffer size of the instrument. I think you want to change the baud rate of your serial object and see if the instrument is able to keep up.