MATLAB: Input and output function

input output function

I have been trying to learn functions but must have a mental block. I am trying to take a number "n" as an input and output the sum of numbers up to "n" (Inclusive). For example, if input is 10, the program would output 55. I wrote the following.
function sum = sumNum(n)
I know I am missing something. Can some one help me. Thanks.

Best Answer

Please do not use ‘sum’ as a variable. This is called ‘overshadowing’ so MATLAB will try to use your variable instead of the function, throwing an error that could be difficult to find.
An anonymous function version would be:
My_Sum = @(n) sum(1:n); % Anonymous Function Version
A function file version would be:
function y = My_Sum(n)
y = sum(1:n);
Both functions would return:
My_Result = My_Sum(10)
My_Result =