MATLAB: Inoperability between Mac (Intel) and Windows

interoperability between mac (intel) and windows

I am developing on a Mac. My partner is using a Windows box. We have something happen that I can't understand. It was a simple task – I wanted to select a sub portion of an array and set outside of that portion to be zero out. I defined the indices by a variable "filt". I created a zero array call it y of the proper length and set y(filt)=x(filt) where x is the original array.
It worked fine on the Mac but barfed on the Windows box. After much aggravation I tried changing the name of the index parameter to "idx_filt" and it worked fine on both.
Any explanation would be greatly appreciated. I cannot find anything on the documentation on Matlab on my Mac that indicates that "filt" might be a forbidden variable name.

Best Answer

'filt' is the name of a function in the Control System Toolbox:
>> doc filt
Perhaps the Mac does not have Control System Toolbox installed while the PC does. In any case, you should avoid using 'filt' as a variable name.
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