MATLAB: Initial Plot of a State-Space System


Hello my professor gave me a State-space system and want me to plot initial response via initial(sys,x0,Tfinal) function. Problem is in the question there is only A matrix is given. When I try to plot with only A matrix it gives empty plot. When I try it with made up C matrix it gives a plot. I need to do plot with only A matrix. I would be appreciated if you could help me out.
Matlab Code:
a = [0, 1; -1, 0];
x0 = [1 ; -2];
sys = ss(a,[],[],[]);

Best Answer

The response of a state-space model with matrix C does not make any sense. I guess the professor wanted to make matrix C as identity matrix. try this
c = eye(2);
a = [0, 1; -1, 0];
x0 = [1 ; -2];
sys = ss(a,[],c,[]);