MATLAB: Influence When Simulink Executes Custom C-Code

c codesimulink

I'm currently writing a hardware driver in C to integrate into a Simulink model. The model will then be compiled and built into a single executable using the Embedded Coder. I'm trying to figure out if there is way to influence at what time during each execution step Simulink will call one of the functions that I write, e.g. at the start or at the end of a time step.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Best Answer

It is in general easier to use the Legacy Code Tool, and perhaps then adjust the generated S-function and TLC if needed, especially if you're new to S-functions. However, the tool does have its limitations, so if you are attempting to write a more sophisticated S-unction, you might need to hand-write it.
In any case, for the Legacy Code Tool, please see Declaring Legacy Code Tool Function Specifications to see how you can specify what code gets called in each S-function runtime method. Please see Simulink Engine Interaction with C S-Functions to understand the stages of simulation at which each method gets called.
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