MATLAB: Inevitable broadcast variable in parfor


I have a parfor loop where I want to get chunks of a matrix:
For example, below I want the loop to run on 3 parts [indexed by the final column]:
loop 1 is over rows 1 & 2, loop 2 is over rows 3 & 4, and loop 3 is over rows 5 through 8.
example data:
159 1 1
213 5 1
159 2 2
213 5 2
1100 2 3
1590 1 3
1770 1 3
2130 8 3
I made a loop index that gives the row ranges:
1 2
3 4
5 8
Then the code is:
parfor ii=1:3
var=example_data(loop_index(ii,1):loop_index(ii,2) ,1);
%do other stuff on var
This generates the broadcast warning and runs slow. I'm struggling to splice the example data variable in an easy way.
Note that in my real dataset I have thousands of loops so generating a separate matrix for each loop might get crazy.

Best Answer

If I've understood correctly, you can convert your non-sliced data into sliced data at the client before the loop starts. One way to do this is with splitapply.
data = [159 1 1
213 5 1
159 2 2
213 5 2
1100 2 3
1590 1 3
1770 1 3
2130 8 3];
% Split 'data' into a cell array.
varGroups = splitapply(@(x){x}, data(:,1), data(:,3));
parfor idx = 1:3
var = varGroups{idx};
% do stuff ...