MATLAB: Indexing in GPUArrays

gpugpuarrayindexingParallel Computing Toolbox

I have a problem with working on the GPU. Indexing, and thereby the fftshift is not working (see error below). Transferring my matrix for and after each fftshift will be pretty time consuming and seems rather pointless. Is it correct that indexing does not work for GPU or can I fix it somehow? And if it's correct, why?
_??? Error using ==> GPUArray.subsref at 9 Indexing is not supported for GPUArrays.
Error in ==> fftshift at 42 y = x(idx{:});_
(matlab version 7.11 = 2010, including parallel computing toolbox)

Best Answer

Hi Jesse. Yes, unfortunately in R2010b indexing is not supported for GPUArrays. R2010b is the first release to contain GPU support, and it was not possible to ensure that all functions could be executed on the GPU in that single release. However, we are committed to expanding the GPU functionality we support, and your feedback is appreciated.
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