MATLAB: Indexing element while using parfor

for loopindexingparfor

Objective: Index the matrix such as shown in the picture using parfor
Dear coder, say there are 3 variables (a,b,c) with varying value (a=1:4), (b=1:5), and (c=1:6) computed using a function output = a + c + d. To enhance efficiency, parfor was used.
However, I am having difficulties to index the variable and output as shown in the above picture. Similar result can be obtain by using typical for-loop. I wonder, what modification should be made to remedy this?
Code using for-loop
answer_me = zeros (120,4);
for ix=1:prod(iterations)
answer_me (ix,1:4)=[a b c (parfor_function(a,b,c))];
The parfor_function
function [ answer_a ] = parfor_function( a,b,c )
answer_a = a + b + c;
Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

answer_me(ix,:)=[a b c (parfor_function(a,b,c))];
instead of
answer_me (ix,1:4)=[a b c (parfor_function(a,b,c))];
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